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Just a thought…


Defined as: a desire to know or learn.

I have always taken this word to be like a driving force. It is something that I always have in mind. To me, it is not a negative word associated with nosiness like it can be at times, instead it is the desire to learn about the world and how it works. I am not particularly curious about other people’s lives. This might not be true for everyone, other’s might be more interested in the lives of others than learning how certain phenomenon occur round them. None the less, it holds true that we Homo Sapiens, as a species, are curious. To me it seems to be a developmentally advantageous trait. It has led us to where we are today. With curiosity driving us we have made technological and social advances that our ancestors would be proud of.

You might be wondering why it is that I am discussing the concept of curiosity. Well, you might say that curiosity itself led me to talk about curiosity. I was having a hard time thinking about what my post should be about and I thought to myself, “what is the blog focussing on?” The answer to this is the possibility of alien life existing elsewhere in the universe. Then I thought once more to myself, “why do we even care if there is other life or not?”  I have no scientific evidence to back this up but I presume that we are curious about other life in the universe because we want to know if there are others like ourselves. Another reason to ponder about other life, and find it impossible, would be to try to convince ourselves that we are the only ones and therefore, the most superior of animals. The last is just a hypothetical situation but it could be something that people believe. Myself, well  I’m in the previous camp. I just want to know if there are others in the universe. I don’t care if they are more or less advanced than us, that doesn’t matter to me. I just want that simple question answered.

Something that comes to mind as an example of man’s desire to find out if there is other life out there is the  Arecibo Message. This is a radio wave broadcast that was sent into outer space on November 16th 1974. This message was aimed at the globular star cluster M13 which is 25,000 light years away from Earth. According to the article, Arecibo Message, from the message consisted of:

   ” seven parts that encode the following (from the top down):

  1. The numbers one (1) through ten (10)
  2. The atomic numbers of the elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus, which make up deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
  3. The formulas for the sugars and bases in the nucleotides of DNA
  4. The number of nucleotides in DNA, and a graphic of the double helix structure of DNA
  5. A graphic figure of a human, the dimension (physical height) of an average man, and the human population of Earth
  6. A graphic of the Solar System
  7. A graphic of the Arecibo radio telescope and the dimension (the physical diameter) of the transmitting antenna dish.”

This seems like the basic facts that one would want to know about the beings inhabiting a planet.

If you were to send a message to space what would you include?

 Unfortunately because of the distance of M13, it will take 25,000 to reach the cluster and another 25,000 years for a reply to be sent to earth, if a reply is to follow. Even if this project seems fruitless because of the fact that we will never know its outcome, it serves as a way to demonstrate our technological advancements. We have the capability to do things like these today, tomorrow we will be able to do much more. (Flying cars? )

Learning about this message sparked an interest in me a few years back when I first learned about it.  The curiosity that sprang forth has led me to be more interested in our universe and its vast possibilities. I thought that I would end by informing you of the beginning of my curiosity. I hope that you are able to find something that inspires your curiosity and are willing to share this with me.


As I go through my posts I have come to realize that I have neglected to dedicate some time to that mythical island named Atlantis.  I am sure you have heard of this place at some time in your life.  The information that you might possess is I am sure about the extent of my knowledge before I decided to write this post. But not to worry, I will enlighten you with the information that I uncover today. So let’s begin our journey.

 The debate about whether this place has ever existed continues today.  According to a Wikipedia article entitled Atlantis, this legendary island was first mentioned in Plato’s dialogues,  Timaeus and Critias which were written around 360 BC.  In this article a brief description is given, “According to Plato, Atlantis was a naval power lying “in front of the Pillars of Hercules” that conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Solon, or approximately 9600 BC. After a failed attempt to invade Athens, Atlantis sank into the ocean “in a single day and night of misfortune”.”

Do you think it is possible for a nation to be completely destroyed in a “single day and night”, even if it is an island?






                            Many people since Plato’s time have interpreted Atlantis to just be a story of fiction.  The people of antiquity did not read too much into the story. However, in more recent times,  this story and this island have resurfaced and created an interest in people.  An example would be  the publication Atlantis: The antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly. It was published in 1882 and inspired an interest in this old story. This was because Donnelly tried to establish that all known ancient civilizations were descended from the Atlantis civilization. He saw Atlantians as technologically advanced, having compasses and gunpowder before any others even had written language. This of course is impossible to assure, but seems impossible to me. However, with these accounts he inspired people to look more into these  stories and with the promise of a utopian society, people wanted to find out more about it.



There have been various locations proposed for the island of Atlantis. In fact there have been so many proposed sites that they have even included places that are not even in the Atlantic Ocean.  Most of the historically proposed locations for Atlantis are in or near the Mediterranean Sea on islands such as Crete, Sardinia and Sicily, to name a few.  Most recently (2011)  scientist Richard Feund from the University of Hartford, proposed the location of Atlantis to be at South Western Andalusia, in Spain.  Still, others have speculated Atlantis to have a Caribbean location near the Bahamas and the Bermuda Triangle.

Honestly, I don’t know what to believe. If Plato just made this entire story up then he had a really great imagination. If he somehow was inspired by stories that were handed down to him, then where did these stories come from? I guess that I will have to do more in-depth research to find some sort of answer to this question. Even if I do find the answer there is no concrete evidence that it is true. As I had stated, there is no evidence  to prove that this place and civilization ever existed. Although there have been various expeditions on search for them, the ruins of Atlantis have never been found. I guess it will take some more time and underwater research to find anything to prove the existence of the place.  Until then, this will continue to be a perplexing mystery.

Mythology and heroes

Since it’s Friday and the weekend before Thanksgiving break officially begins, I am going to assume that many of us are going to take this weekend off from schoolwork and enjoy ourselves. With this being said, I am going to make another assumption and say that many of us will be enjoying a movie this weekend. The movie you choose is entirely up to you, but I would like to point something out.  Have you noticed that lately there have been an abundance of movies about superheroes and ancient gods of mythology? I mean most recently there was The Immortals (released 11-11-11)and before that was Konan the Barbarian (not a god but a mythological character). There have also been recent remakes of classic comic book superheroes into movies, such as upcoming Superman, previously released Batman, Captain America and X-men to name a few. I am sure there are more but I am not into movies that much to really go into detail. The reason I bring this up is because I have been noticing the appearance of super heroes in recent movie trailers. Interestingly enough, the same subject came up in the most recent episode of Ancient Aliens. Therefore, I felt the need to discuss this subject to the extent of my knowledge and also provide a brief overview of the most recent episode.

The most recent episode is entitled, Ancient Aliens, Gods and Heroes. This episode focuses on the stories that mankind has told over the centuries about God-like kings and superheroes with supernatural powers and abilities. Could it be that these ancient heroes were granted their abilities to fly, to have super strength and speed by extraterrestrial beings? If this is so, then these abilities were most likely granted by alien technology. Otherwise how would you explain the ability of humans to fly and have super strength ? As time has passed we have taken these gods and mythological creatures and modeled our heroes after them. It seems that we humans have this instinctual drive to be like the gods and have their abilities. As many people believe, we are modeled after God, made in his image,  so it is only natural that we would want to be like Him.

According to the most recent episode of  Ancient Aliens, in ancient Greek  mythology, the Gods had weaponry such as: “helmets that made them invisible, a trident that shot thunderbolts, winged sandals that gave them flight,  breast plates that made them impervious to enemies’ weapons.” Could this help to explain the popularity of today’s superheroes?  We have created these superheroes out of mere  mortal human beings that through some action have been granted power and are able to help humanity, for example, Spiderman, Captain America and even Green Lantern. These might not mirror the ancient Greek Gods but it is because of the inspiration from them that these heroes came to be, it is through that same inspiration that mankind has kept striving for technology.

Could it be that we have a subconscious desire to reconnect with the Gods of our past by becoming more like them through the advancement of our technology?

One example I can think of is the ability to fly. Whose idea it was in the first place is impossible to say, but that it has been a long-held desire is evidenced by many.  Specifically Leonardo Davinci’s sketches of flying machines have come to mind. According to a biographical article on Wikipedia about Leonardo, most of his flying machines were modeled after the wings of a bat. Unfortunately, however,  many of his designs would not have been able to fly. What I want to show here is that even in the  mid 1400s people had the desire to fly and were thinking up ways to do it. The ability that escaped us, flight, had been one of our ultimate driving forces. When this was finally achieved mankind’s ascension into technological advancement was inevitable.

We might not have all the abilities that superheroes have, such as invisibility, (although Xiam could argue) but we are developing technology everyday that is bringing us closer to those objectives. What I would like to know is, why is it that ancient Greek mythology is so widespread?   We have come to believe in Superman as a superhero yet we rarely think about him as being an alien, which he is because he comes from Krypton. How is is so easy for us to believe in his existence(even if it is in a comic book) but we have a hard time believing in the existence of life on other planets.

Earth Energy

What do the Pyramid at Gyza, Stonehenge, Teotihuacan, and Machu Pichu have in common?

You might say: “Old, stone monuments.” Well, you  would be correct, but there are alot more connections between these sites than just their obvious properties. These cultures on various parts of the world, during different times in history share the same extraordinary structures. Researchers believe that these monuments are inscribed with a secret code that may reveal the truth behind the connections between numerous ancient civilizations. This is said because of the locations of the monuments: locations where the power of the Earth can be harnessed. Is this really a coincidence?

It has been found that there is a connection between sacred structures and the areas of the globe where the Earth’s electromagnetic energy gathers. These waves provide for all visible light as well as radio, cellular, microwave, and x-ray. Higher concentrations of waves that make up Earth’s magnetic field are also found here. Distortions of this magnetic field can be mapped on Earth, and they seem to fall into geometric grids. Ancient civilizations seemed to have a knack for finding these places. They felt that at these places they would be better connected to the Earth’s energy and therefore they constructed their monuments at these areas.

Today we call these places of abnormal energy, “The World Grid.”  It is a geometric model that was hypothesized by Plato more than 2500 years ago. His idea centered on  the earth being constructed of  energy flowing around the world on paths intersecting and moving around the world. He thought that the earth’s energy grid was made of geometric shapes(120 equal triangles) that when joined together would form the shape of a sphere.  his theory is pretty close to the Grid that we have today.

One thing I wonder is, How did the ancient people know about the earth’s energy fields?

Is it possible that early man learned of the Earth’s powerful energy from extraterrestrial beings? If so, might the finding by researchers of the Energy Grid be proof that contact with alien visitors occurred?

Some would say yes to both of these. How else could it be possible for our ancestors to have come up with these plans on their own? There had to be some sort of intervention from outside intelligence guiding human hands. Why  would they do this? Well, it’s rather simple, to establish flight patterns, markers and monuments by which they could navigate Earth’s surface. They also might have planned to leave these behind so that some time in the future, a more advanced people could use these sites to help them discover clues to their origin. This last part could be a stretch, but then again can’t all of what I’ve just said be a stretch?

I just really enjoyed this particular episode of Ancient Aliens, entitled Ancient Aliens and the Secret Code, so I though I would share some of what I learned with you. The episode does go into more detail about the things I am talking about here, so feel free to check it out. It also provides a hypothesis about the creation of our mathematic system and how it came to be based on the num ber 12. All these things really intrigue me, but I hope that they don’t bore you. Let me know what you think, is this subject at all interesting?

You be the Judge…

It seems that my last post caused some interest towards the topic that I presented; therefore, I decided that I would research a bit more into the “Zone of Silence.” This subject came to interest me because it was mentioned in an episode of Ancient Aliens. They only briefly discussed some of the mysterious aspects of this plot of desert land in the Northeastern part of Mexico. Because of the minimal attention that it was given, and also due to the fact that it is only a few hundred miles from where my grandparents live, it prompted me to investigate further.  Although I do believe in the existence of a place like this I also found an article that refutes many of the claims about the “Zone”. I will provide information from both articles and let you decide whether you believe this place exists or not. Let me know in your comments.

The first article is entitled, Beyond Reality: Mexico’s Zone of Silence and was written by Scott Corrales. This article begins by introducing us not only to the zone of silence but mentions other strange places on the face of the Earth. It seems that no matter what the most well-known aspects of this place is its lack of radio waves and its magnetic ability to draw meteorites into its grip.

As Corrales explains, “… They found that it was impossible to communicate with one another via walkie-talkies: radio waves are not transmitted at the accustomed speed and frequency. To this day, television signals cannot be received in Ceballos or in the neighboring ranches.
Some magnetic force, with the power to dampen radio waves, seems to exist in the region.”

He then goes on to explain about the meteorological activity of the area,

“Perhaps they were interested, as are modern astronomers and geologists, in the large number of small meteorites that are attracted to the Zone’s magnetic properties. A meteorite that crashed in Chihuahua in the late 1950s contained crystalline structures that far outdated the Solar System itself. Researcher Luis Maeda Villalobos concluded that the meteorite contains “material as old as the Universe”: Our solar system is some 6 billion years old, while the meteorite’s age has been estimated at 13 billion years.”

To me these are the most bizarre areas of mystery, but I have found that Corrales mentions alien activity and encounters. The retelling of a few stories that involve strange people and even stranger situations overcome Corrale’s article. From here I will extract the most puzzling.

“The staff of a small local ranch was visited regularly by three tall, blond, long-haired visitors–two males and one female–who were described as being polite to a fault, extremely handsome and dressed “in a funny way”. Their Spanish was flawless and had a musical ring to it. The reason for these visits was to secure water from the ranch’s well: the “funny” visitors would ask their hosts to please fill their canteens with water, never requesting food or anything else. When asked where they came from, the visitors would limit themselves to smiling and saying “from above.””

There are many more stories of such strange encounters but these same “Blond Figures” have come to be known as a usual appearance. They are a common link between many UFO stories.

After trying to find more stories about the “Zone” I came across the article entitled,”The Zone of Silence of Northern Mexico-Scientific Marvel or just Fiction?” by Andrea Kaus. In her article she describes some of the most recent revelations about this place. To my dismay, many of them seem logical and could be possible explanations for the strange phenomenon of the area. She explains that the spreading of the rumors of the area became popularized by the Media after the 1970’s crash of a US Athena Missile in the “Zone.” When the US government went in search of the missile into the Chihuahuan desert the locals saw an opportunity to make some money. After the missile was recovered they began to think of a way to profit from this strange situation. The locals thought of setting up a hotel in the vicinity and thereafter began spreading allegations about the area. Soon after this “The Zone of Silence” became a sort of tourist attraction although no hotel was ever set up.

  As Kaus points out after her visit to the area,” Neither I nor anyone with whom I spoke had any trouble with either their radios or compasses while working in the Reserve. The claims of mutations are  due to natural phenomenon….As to the Zone itself, there seems to be little consensus on exactly where it is.”

This is a little disappointing although it has been pointed out that the “Zone of silence” encompasses an area with a 50 mile radius, so there might be spots that do allow radio waves.  But ultimately it seems that the locals do not believe in the “Zone” and they find the visitors as a nuisance. After all this I am not sure in what to believe for myself. Sin ce I will be visiting my grandparent’s next summer I feel that it is my duty to investigate. I hope to travel to “The Zone of Silence” and find out for myself whether such abnormal phenomenon is actually taking place.

Semester Reflection

The beginning of the semester brought about some worry as I learned that keeping a blog would be required, since this was something that I was unfamiliar with. As I look back on that moment and my first posts I definitely feel that I have grown both as a blogger and as a person. My first blog I did not include a picture or a link because I didn’t know how to do it. That has certainly changed, now I have either or both of these things in my post.  I have come to understand how vital these elements are to keeping the reader’s attention.

My style has changed significantly. I feel that the first posts were informative with very little of my own personality in the mix. The last few posts have included more of my own thoughts and ideas, I don’t fear expressing myself, and it makes the post more personable and easy to read. I have also noticed that my topic has changed somewhat, I mean I am still discussing the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the effects that it might have on human everyday life. However, I see that I have also deviated a little. A couple of my posts were related to current events (nothing to do with my topic) but they somewhat fit in because they related to space and some new discoveries about our universe. My last post about the Zone of Silence brought about the interest of my audience so I feel that I will delve more into that topic. It has a lot of potential. So far I have not grown tired of my topic, on the contrary, I have found other areas that are just as interesting and I want to keep researching.

 I have to admit that at first I did not have a clue what I wanted to blog about but in the end I think my decision was a good one. It was a broad enough category to give me a room to evolve. One thing that I would advice to someone starting their own blog, don’t limit yourself, unless you know that you can stick to that topic. Try various categories and then focus on the one that seems the most interesting. From there you can express yourself through your blog in whichever way you want. Let yourself be heard, and don’t be afraid.

As far as the grammar presentations go, I have found them quite informative. To me, the most significant grammatical errors are my lack of commas and overabundance of run-on sentences. So, needless to say, I learned the most from those presentations. I have learned that I really need to proofread my work more than once. If I don’t then I end up with run-on sentences and passages that sometimes make no sense. It turns out proofreading overall is the key to good writing. Next time I have a major paper I will try to get started early so that I will have ample time to work on it and mold it into a great piece. As for improvements to be made, I would like to later on work on my transitions. It will make my work flow much more effortlessly.  

The works that we have read so far have not been too difficult except for “Perfect Past” by Vladimir Nabokov, I still am not quite sure I understood the work. I found it interesting to read but I couldn’t grasp the meaning or his ultimate goal so I don’t feel like I analyzed that well. On the other hand, I really enjoyed “Looking for Zora” by Alice Walker because it regards a topic that I have found interest in, Zora Neale Hurston. It was a tragic story that has inspired me to learn more about the author and the rest of her works.  I feel that the discussion on “Coatesville” by John Jay Chapman was successful; people had a lot to say. This might have been due to the subject being something pertinent even today, the lack of an individual to act when in a crowd. Many factors contribute to this and so the discussion was one that allowed for many people to voice their opinions. It is much easier for students to discuss a topic when they are being led by a peer rather than a professor because there is less intimidation. So I feel that from now on our discussions will be much more productive and enjoyable. Many of us have learned a lot thus far but there is still room for improvement as well.

mysterious skies

Reading Chiam’s post concerning the new iPhone technology that is coming out today, I started thinking about the points that he makes. I agree that we are becoming increasingly dependent on technology, our phones more than anything. I feel like most people, I can’t go anywhere without my phone. That is so different from just five years ago when I didn’t even have a phone.

 Today a phone is more like a personal computer than just a phone; everyday there is a new app to make that phone even more advanced. I hope that we don’t become so dependent upon technology that we won’t be able to function without it if something were to happen to our servers and satellites.

What would happen if you couldn’t get a signal?


It turns out that this dreaded situation is fairly common in certain areas of the world, but I will be focusing on one closer to home, more specifically, The Zone of Silence. “These areas are sites of gravitational or atmospheric disturbances that still remain unexplained by twentieth century science,” claims Scott Corrales, author of the article Beyond Reality: Mexico’s Zone of Silencefor  the website Corrales also points out that, “Such anomalous areas possess properties which interfere sporadically with humans and their equipment.”

This area, The Zone of Silence, is located approximately four hundred miles south of El Paso,Texas, in the desert of the Mexican state of Durango.  For centuries this part of the Mexican desert has been known to possess special properties.  Farmers from nearby have reported “hot rocks” routinely falling from the clear sky. Nevertheless, it was not until the mysterious misdirection of a US  missile, the Athena, which veered off course after launch and came to crash at the Zone of Silence that this place became public knowledge.  This was in the 1970’s.

 Ever since then it has become more common for people to report their mysterious incidents while traveling by or visiting this place. It has been found that radio waves do not travel at the accustomed speed and frequency. Television signals are nonexistent, even in the neighboring ranches. This is one the reason for the region’s name, it is in perpetual silence, there is little if any way to get outside communication in. Some say that this is due to a strange magnetic force that surrounds the area. If this were the case it could explain the frequent meteorite crashes and UFO sightings near the area, they are attracted to the magnetic field. Or could it instead be a reason why there is a magnetic field in the first place? There is no answer as of yet, but the Mexican government has set up a lab in the area to try to answer this question, and find out more about this mysterious place.

One thing that struck me as very interesting is that this zone is, “Just north of the Tropic of Cancer and South of the 30th parallel, which places it in the company of a number of other planetary anomalies such as the Bermuda Triangle.” (Corrales)

Why is it that all many of the “mysterious” places on earth share the same latitudinal and longitudinal components? Could it be that there just is a stronger magnetic force at this plane? Or is it all just a coincidence?  Let me know…



I’m having a hard time coming up with a topic for today. I just feel so drained, uninspired. I’m having a moment of blah…. There just aren’t any words that can explain my current self.  This could all be due to my fast paced semester thus far; tests, tests, quizzes and more tests. I feel like I’m drowning in deadlines. Every day there is something due or a test to be taken. And I feel so unprepared. It’s liked I have to be on my toes so that I don’t miss anything.

I’m so frustrated and just overall tired really. I guess a nap would be helpful but I don’t have time for that. I barely even have time to see my boyfriend anymore; if I’m not at work then I’m at school. There are times though when I will put aside things like studying to go see him, at least for a few hours. Like this Wednesday I went to visit him at work and tried to relax while I was there but it was nearly impossible, I just kept thinking about my test the following Friday. I must say though, there might be something to this memory after all. While I was there he was cleaning his station and I noticed a newspaper (Contra Costa Times) with an interesting headline. Apparently the Noble prize in physics was awarded to a UC Berkeley professor just that day for his work on proving that the universe is still expanding. This is contrary to previously held beliefs.

Since I do not have the newspaper today I am using the article from the Contra Costa County Times  Website entitled ,”California Physicist Shares Nobel Prize”. It’s a bit different from the printed version that I read but it does include the main points:

“The finding overturned a fundamental assumption among astrophysicists that gravity was slowing the rate of expansion, and that scientists might be able to predict when the universe would come to an end.

Perlmutter’s research relied on massive cosmic explosions called supernovas to serve both as interstellar distance markers and a way to gauge which direction the universe was moving and how fast.

Instead of gaining clues to when the universe would begin contracting rather than expanding, he discovered that the universe was still growing, and at a faster rate.”

What seemed interesting to me is that people actually believed that the universe is no longer expanding. I mean the “big bang” was a massive event that led to the creation of the universe; it had to have a lot of energy release. As I know from my physics class energy cannot be created or destroyed just displaced. So, it must be that such powerful energy from the big bang must still be lingering around. Yes, a vast amount is concentrated in the stars, black holes and force fields in the universe but there must still be more to go around.  At least that is what I thought when pondering the cosmos,  I do that sometimes when I’m daydreaming. I guess it was just a matter of time until someone came up with significant evidence to prove either one of the theories.

It still amazes me that we as humans are made up of the same space dust that makes up the stars. We have the same chemical compositions, in different proportions but nonetheless we share the same building blocks. That is to me astonishing. It is one of the main reason why I  became so interested in the topic of space,  I learned some of these things in tenth grade chemistry class. I guess that was one of the driving forces for my curiosity regarding space and its potential for life. 

Anyway, I hope that you weren’t too bored with my rambling it’s just that this is what I currently have on my mind. It kind of helps me when I’m stressed to just think of things beyond my knowledge to find some sort of motivation to keep working hard to learn more.

Do you have anything that you find yourself contemplating at times of  brain exhaustion? Is there something that helps you cope with stress and helps you through?


While at work the other day, I was disrupted from my daydream by yelling from the other side of the store. 


A lady from the Jewelry department had the most horrified look on her face as she turned around scanning the room for help.

Instantly there was a bang as the door to the store was flung open, hitting the glass. What I saw after that noise was a blurry figure running out.

Next thing you hear is another woman yelling, “We were just robbed!”

As I regained my composure after watching all this action from across the room, I started to walk toward the lady that had asked for security.  I reassured her that everything was going to be okay, and that the security guards were going to take care of it. After a few minutes she calmed down and told me what happened.

 As she had been showing a necklace to a customer  she had turned around for as second to check the price on it, as the customer had asked her to do. The next thing she knew, he had grabbed the gold necklace  and was running towards the door.

After learning of the situation I felt a little uncomfortable because my co–worker and I had been previously discussing the risk of wearing gold in public now-a-days. I was informed that because of the rising gold prices, mugging is becoming even more common.  After this incident I have determined that she is right. It is obvious that some people are going through a lot of measures to get their hands on gold.

You might be thinking, “Where is she going with this? and What does this have to do with the topic of her blog?”

Well, I have been thinking of the significant influence that this one mineral has had in all of our lives.

I would like to begin by considering the fact that humanity’s desire for gold has been profound throughout time.  Many civilizations as a practice of religion made offerings to the god’s in gold. Gold has always been associated with other worldly properties.  It is a metal that is highly revered for its value and the kingdoms of the old world were always in the search of places with an abundance of it.

I am sure that you have heard about the city of El Dorado. This mythical city has been the coveted by many. It is supposed to be a city made entirely of gold somewhere in South America.  This is one of the main reasons for the exploration of the New World by the Old World European kingdoms, they were looking for gold.  As soon as the explorers saw the natives with gold jewelry and learned of this city from them, they assumed they were nearby and kept pushing further into the America’s. This is how our recent history came to be. Because of the search for gold and other wealth.

A few weeks ago I was watching g Ancient Aliens and they had an episode in which they discuss the relevance of gold to our ancient civilizations. They also propose that there is a connection between our love and desire for gold and alien demand for it.

As Zacharia Sitchin proposed, “extraterrestrials were genetically altering humans and animals for the purpose of mining gold. ”

If this were the case then it would explain our affinity for the shiny metal. We were made to search for it.

You might be wondering, why it is that aliens would be interested in gold?

For one, it has the ability to conduct electricity and is one of if not the best conductors. It is also an inert material, it doesn’t react with anything. Lastly, gold is a perfect reflector of infrared energy. You can use gold blankets to protect spacecraft against the intense heat of a star.

 Do you think that this is a valuable /credible explanation for our love and desire for gold? What are some flaws that you find in this argument?(aside from there being aliens, of course)

Even today we see that gold has a significant impact in our lives. It is in our software, currency, jewelry and even food (edible gold). It’s monetary power will drive many people to commit acts,   just to get their hands on it. Such as the crazy man who stole jewelry from a store, in the middle of the day, leaving behind evidence that will lead to his arrest. I am sure that his decision came about due to the metal’s value.  Because every day this value increases we can only expect more such incidents to become common.  We know greed is a powerful driving force.

If you want to watch the episode of  Ancient Aliens and Temples of Gold I have provided the video  below. 


I would have loved to bring you a summary of the main points of yesterday’s Ancient Aliens episode, but unfortunately I was unable to watch it.  I was stuck working on my physics homework. 😦

None the less, I will use this opportunity to discuss another topic of my interest, the recent threat  being imposed on us by the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). 

UARS Satellite


This satellite  was sent into orbit after detaching from the Discover space shuttle  in 1991 to study the components of the upper atmosphere. It was later decommissioned in 2005.  According to NASA, debris of  this decommissioned  satellite will hit Earth sometime Friday, September 23rd. The exact time has not been pinpointed but NASA officials are working tirelessly to establish the  impact points  and time of the debris fallout.

This uncontrolled return to Earth has not been the first in  history. Skylab, the first American space station fell to Earth in 1979. It was followed by the most massive un-controlled descent to Earth by the Pegasus 2 satellite, which fell in November 1979. Both of these had debris that fell into the Indian and Atlantic Ocean, aswell as Australia for some of the Skylab debris. 

The good news in this situation is that the satellite is not expected to be passing over North America around the estimated time of descent. Still, complete calculations and trajectories are unknown.

According to an article from Space. com, entitled  Huge NASA Satellite Will Fall to Earth Today,

“Scientists at the Orbital Debris Program Office at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston calculated the odds that anyone anywhere in the world will be hit by UARS debris at 1-in-3,200. But, the chance that you personally will get hit is much smaller, somewhere on the order of 1-in-several trillion, NASA officials said.”

Those odds aren’t too bad if you include the fact that most of the planet is covered in water.

NASA officials have estimated that roughly 25-30 pieces of the satellite will survive the journey through Earth’s atmosphere to reach the ground. A total mass of debris has been estimated at 1,170 pounds (roughly) to reach the ground with most of it landing in open ocean areas.

I found the fact that NASA can’t pinpoint exact impact locations and have a rough impact window rather unnerving, I mean, there  has to be a better way of getting those satellites back to Earth without potentially putting the whole planet in danger. There should be a safer method than just letting them fall back in to Earth  and having them become space garbage on the way. Ultimately most of the mass will be torn apart in the upper atmosphere and return to space. I wonder what happens with that stuff, does it travel away or does it remain orbiting the Earth?  Could it become  a threat latter on? 

I personally believe that we as a people (NOT entirely US,as in YOU and ME, more like NASA) should be more responsible about the things we leave behind in space.  There are bound to be implications of all the garbage left behind. Just like we (this time I do mean YOU and ME) are taking steps to protect our planet we should take steps to protect the rest of the Universe that we inhabit.

To take look at a more humorous peerspective of our current situation you should watch the clip on the following link.  (Colbert Report)

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